Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Nouveau: Sondages! | New feature: Polls!

Comme vous le constaterez, la colonne de gauche comporte maintenant une section sondage. S'il-vous-plaît, prenez quelques secondes pour y répondre! Autant que faire se peut, j'essaierai de renouveller la question sur une base hebdomadaire. (Je suis sincèrement désolé pour les annonces qui agrémentent la page des résultats. J'essaie de maintenir mon blog exempt de toute publicité inopportune, mais je ne peux contrôler le web au grand complet!)
La première question porte sur les priorités du gouvernement Harper contenues dans le Discours du Trône que Michaëlle Jean a prononé au Sénat cet après-midi. Un nouvel article portera sur cette question très bientôt...
As you will notice, the left sidebar has a new "polls" section. Please, take a few seconds to answer the question! As far as I can, I'll try to change the poll on a weekly basis. (I'm really sorry about the ads on the results page. I'm trying to avoid any ad on my blog, but I'm sure you're aware I can't control the whole web!)
The first question is about the Harper's governement priorities contained in the Throne Speech pronounced today by The Governor General, Michaëlle Jean. A new post will consider that question soon...


scott said...

The only priority that I wish Harper had added to that list was national security. I think that there is a good chance, God forbid, that Canada will be hit by the al Qaeda terrorist network between now and the next two general elections, IMHO...elections which I hope Harper will be participating in. There is no doubt that we[government of Canada] always need to be ahead on this issue.

Matt said...


I do totally agree with you! Canada is a target for an Al Qaeda attack, indeed. I did my MSc dissertation about terrorism. It tells you how much I'm concerned on that issue!

I signed a column in La Presse during the last election saying exactly what you said. Unfortunatly, no political party took a strong position on national security and fight against terrorism. What a shame! Politician will probably wait until there's an attack before they react...